Learning & support initiatives

Cochrane SA undertakes two main types of learning support. The first is for those undertaking reviews (researchers), which covers protocol development, use of the essential review software like RevMan and GRADE, and review conduct. We also award fellowships to Cochrane authors to allow them time out for periods of methodological support, mentorship and dedicated review writing.

Cochrane SA also undertakes skills development of health practitioners, students, policymakers and others on finding and using Cochrane Reviews to inform healthcare decision making.The Centre also undertakes awareness raising about the importance of evidence-based healthcare and to increase the understanding and implications of review content for policy makers and other stakeholders.

Please see our Training menu for more detail on the learning opportunities we provide. Should you or your institution be interested in any of the training workshops, please complete the Training Request form and email it to sentle.sauli@mrc.ac.za

We host monthly seminars on systematic review methods. If you are interested in using or conducting systematic reviews, these sessions are an opportunity for you to learn more about specific systematic review methodology, or to share and discuss any issues you are facing as an author of a systematic review during the Q&A session. Should you wish to receive invitations to attend these seminars or would like more information about these sessions please email cochranesa@mrc.ac.za

For further information contact Lorenzo Bennie on training.cochrane@mrc.ac.za